Wednesday, December 01, 2004

open letter to Cecil (St. Cecil) at Luby's Corporation....

Cecil at Luby's Corporation

Thank you. Thank you for going the extra mile for our family.
When we found out that Abby's diet was going to be so restricted, it was very sad for us. After three long years of isolation due to her inability to interact with the world at large, we had finally had a huge breakthough and could go out to eat as a family and Luby's was the spot. Bless her heart, when we told her that we couldn't go there anymore, she was a trouper, but the first time we drove past she said, "Daddy, I miss going to Luby's with you."
When I wrote a note at your website inquiring about how foods were prepared, I never expected to hear from you with such alacrity, much less with such personal interest. So few individuals, and certainly large corporations in business today seem to care one bit about service or their customers and here you are, offering to make some plain chicken and rice for Abby. And even Jello made with splenda, just for her. Thank you.
I will be calling the area manager whose name you gave me. I can't wait for Jimmy to surprise Abby with a date at her favorite place.
Thank you so much and I will be telling everyone I know that Luby's knows how to take care of people. Even the little ones.


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