Tuesday, September 26, 2006

thank goodness for the good ones

The good doctor that is. We have some issues with Beans and have decided to persue some professional help. She is just aggressive and completely without remorse. She is unable (or unwilling) to take responsibility for her actions. I do not think she does what she does out of malice. I am certain it is a manifestation of her inability to take anyone else's perspective combined with the impulsive nature of ADHD, but I am at my wit's ends as far as how to address the problem. I want to help her before she acts out like this in an enviorment where the consequences will not be in mommy and daddy's hands. So far she has restricted her aggression to Abby and one time she got after one of her ABA therapists. Today's outburst could have had SERIOUS consequences. It scared me.
I made an appointment with a parent recommended doctor today, but decided on a whim to contact the doctor who dx'd the girls. She is outstanding. Amazingly, she wrote me back right away with some questions and she catagorically recommended one therapist for the task. There are a gagillion therapists in the area and as ya'll know or could imagine, it is SO scary to entrust your child's emotional well-being and development in the hands of just anyone. I am beyond thankful for her recommendation. Her opinion bears much weight with us. What an answered prayer!
We are blessed to have a relationship with this doctor. Most professionals in her position would not return a two and three year past client's email at all, much less within minutes of the inquiry.
PTL for Dr. M.!!

“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.”
John 14:12-14


Blogger AshleyLeo said...

So what did the therapist recommend? I am always challenged at school with this sort of stuff for one child in particular I have (I'm a preschool teacher). He's probably ODD (oppositional defiant disorder) in case you haven't heard of it before. He's quite impulsive and aggressive with everyone, but shows remorse. He just can't help himself poor thing!

8:20:00 AM  
Blogger supposedly susan said...

Hi Ashley!
I always appreciate hearing from you.
The doctor we will be seeing uses Cognative Behavioral Therapy among other things. I have heard good things about CBT's effectiveness with high functioning individuals. Dr. Grandin personally recommends it and I consider her to be pretty high functioning. ;)
I will update you after I see the doctor and find out more about her approach. Emma Jean was more oppositional before we began treating her anxiety pharmaceutically. I think a lot of her defiance stemmed from that anxiety. She needed to be in control at all times. Is Leo a high-anxiety kiddo? Anxiety wears lots of different masks. On Abby it is plainly fear, which is easier for me to sympathize with, but on Emma Jean, it looks like an intractable unyieldingness that seemingly has no bounds.
I hope this information is helpful.
Best wishes,

12:50:00 PM  
Blogger AshleyLeo said...

Thanks Susan so much for the insight. I'll have to look into that and do some reading. Behavior behavior behavior. It does work! I hope you'll get a chance to post about your adventures down this path. So fascinating the differences in manifestation in your girls.

No, Leo isn't high anxiety by nature (I've got that one taken care of myself...ha ha). But, in the past his sensory issues caused major anxiety - it would cause him to react viscerally and even put him in panic mode.

These days, it only crops up at the dentist - but he manages it well. He still can't swallow a pill - such a hurdle because we tried too early on and really traumatized him.

7:23:00 PM  
Blogger supposedly susan said...

So fascinating the differences in manifestation in your girls.

We are a living, breathing, case study for the old "nature vs. nurture" debate.
Never a dull moment.
You know it is bad when their ABA consultative therapist says, "I really feel for you at home."

9:28:00 PM  
Blogger AshleyLeo said...

You betcha! It seems like autism clinics should be competing with each other just to hang out with you.

The "I really feel for you at home" comment cracked me up!

5:00:00 PM  

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